Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Maine Fall Challenge

Here are some of the items I have made for the MaineFallChallenge:
Check out all my latest at my shop: !!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Etsy For Animals! I am helping EFA celebrate its birthday by participating in their Birthday Bash.I will take 20% off any and all orders when you use the coupon code "LOUIS" at my shop; be sure to visit the EFA team store as well as as many of the over 170 other participating shops as you can!My coupon code is valid at all shops and their codes are valid at mine,but we win a prize for the most uses of our code,so don't mix them up!Help us celebrate and help our animal friends!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Everything changes eventually.Sometimes,when you are in the midst of that change and you can't see the end it seems like a bad thing,but I have found it almost always works out.
I am no longer the Assistant Director of my food pantry-and I am not going to be there for awhile.I don't deny that it makes me sad,but I have just such a sense of peace about it and strong feeling that it will all work out in the end.It was not through wrongdoing on my part,but an inability to continue to work with the Director and unwillingness to defend actions on his part that I did not see as defensible against the volunteers as a whole.I sided with my team too many times!

I know that I am a very trusting person and continue to believe in the inate good in people who are often times not inately good.Being turned on as I have been,and not defended in turn,is not easy to deal with.I will never understand it.A good friend once warned me that I have to stop believing people are good when they are not.Even my pastor once told me that I seemed to have being innocent as a dove downpat but not the cautious as a serpent part!

I can look back on the whole awful incident with the fellow at my work who had become obsessed with me and forced me to have to be transferred to a different location for my safety(!) with a little-no,a lot-less anger now because it worked out for me.Now I am in a location much closer to home,I like very much all the people I work with(well,almost all)and they like me and even if I get moved again I have made new friends.So,even though it was not handled well or properly by my HR dept,it has all worked out to my benefit!I really believe this newest situation will,too!

I am now knitting boxes!Pictures will follow.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

OK-still knitting!Now it is about as long as I am tall(5'6")so 6 more inches to go!Since I can't show any images of it yet,I want to show off one of my raccoons.This is the same one in my avatar.He is the father of 6 by two mums.Yes-my raccoons are polygamists.The cool thing about this photo that may not be obvious is that I did not take it through a window or screen.I literally sat in the open doorway talking to him!They are all very tame.When they have tiffs my husband or I will tell them to behave and that they must share and they will stop and pretend to listen to us.I can even go out and sit on the deck in the midst of them and feed them and talk to them.I can't tell you what it is like to look into the eyes of a usually wild animal and see reflected there such trust-they know that I love them and would never hurt them.They would actually like us to pet them and let them move in.I have never petted them because I don't want a human smell to be on them and possibly cause them trouble and my husband and I want them to somehow understand that not all humans are like us-they need to be careful.We think they do realise we are special.And,yes,they have tried many times to come in the house including following me in the front door when I come home from work!


Monday, July 28, 2008

my knitting project.

So this is my first attempt at blogging!As I write this I am also busy knittng a 6' long table runner which will be for sale on my shop- when it's done.I thought about keeping it,but I have 3 rather poorly behaved cats who would all think I made it just for them and there would be arguments and claws getting caught in the stitches and I would just end up having to take it away.(In case you haven't guessed,I've been down this road before!).I 'm going to knit matching placemats,too.They are/will be made of a dark green acrylic yarn double knit with a multicoloured yarn called Mexicana in a mix of blues,purple,yellow,red,orange and more green.Anyway,the knitting is very heavy and hot and my husband wants the computer!